Real Property Management Investment Solutions

Reducing Fire Hazards with Your Rental Property

Owning investment rental property takes a lot of effort and time, particularly in the event that you would like to make your property a safe and secure place for the residents to live. But this goal could be in jeopardy if you do not take steps to safeguard your property against fire hazards, and other possible threats. Discover how to practice and promote fire-smart habits today.

It is not hard to begin implementing fire-safety procedures for your property and its occupants yearlong. By taking the initiative you’re showing your residents that you care about their security, and boosting your credibility as an investment homeowner or landlord. Don’t permit a fire danger to present itself before you start making the following adjustments.

#1 Check Fire Extinguishers Regularly

In case you’ve purchased property with the intent to lease it out or make extra money, then the success of your rental home is a top priority. Nothing makes your house stand out more than by equipping it with the appropriate materials to make it a secure place to reside. As an investment homeowner, you have complied with proper fire safety procedures like including a fire extinguisher inside the household; however, it can be easily overlooked that it’s there so it is essential that your fire extinguisher remains in good shape in case the need ever arises to use it. For the safety of your residents and for your own peace of mind, performing annual visual checks can make all the difference.

Even though making visual examinations might appear overly easy, it could be lifesaving. Included in the visual check, the landlord or homeowner should make certain that it’s located in its original spot, has not been damaged, nothing is blocking or obstructing access to it and that it is still completely operational. Moreover, continue checking that the pressure gauge indicates it’s within working limits and that the pull pin is sealed and undamaged. After all these checks are concluded, be sure to record on the label attached to the fire extinguisher the date the visual review was performed.

#2 Fire Marshal Review

Another frequent misconception that both homeowners and residents alike share is that the fire department should only be called in the event of an emergency. However, the local fire department supplies many different free services to ensure your property is protected from fire dangers. This thorough fire marshal inspection helps ensure your property was reviewed by a specialist, and it is important your residents are present for the review so that they can answer any questions that the fire marshal might have and learn useful fire prevention suggestions.

These annual reviews are free and worth every second put into them. A fire marshal would much rather take the time to give homeowners and residents tools to stop and prevent fires than have ones actually take place so be sure to take advantage of this amazing service provided at no cost!

#3 Appliance Fire Safety

After reducing fire hazards to your rental property as best you can, it is also your responsibility to educate your residents on how to make fire-safe decisions in their day-to-day life. One example of a reminder you might consider sharing with them might be to remove items that are either in close proximity to or are actually covering appliances like water heaters and furnaces that might result in potential home fires.

Create a safety zone around potentially dangerous appliances by using either tape or some other form of permanent indicator to help residents remember to keep inflammable items outside the danger zone at all times. Making sure all protective covers are in place and removing dust and lint from ducts will also serve to prevent fires from happening in the first place.

If you are interested in having your property managed by Real Property Management Investment Solutions, have more questions, or just want to speak to one of our team members, then contact us online or call us directly at 616-419-8880 today!