Real Property Management Investment Solutions

Top Renovations That Make an Impact at Your Grand Rapids Rental Property

With the new year now underway, many property owners in Grand Rapids find themselves thinking about renovating their rental properties as a means to attract new tenants or to keep the current tenants happier. We joined with other Grand Rapids property management companies to compile a list of smaller renovations that go a long way in the eyes of renters.

Kitchen Renovations

While gutting the kitchen for a complete remodel may not be on the top of your to-do list, the good news is that with a few small tweaks, you can still give it a fresh feel that makes it more attractive to tenants. Consider making one or more of these improvements:


Installing flooring options like hardwood or porcelain tile allows for higher rent charges and does have advantages over carpeting, mainly that they typically don’t have to be replaced as frequently. If your budget allows between tenants, this is one upgrade that makes a huge impression on tenants.


When it comes to having a functional bathroom, it’s all about storage. Both the vanity and medicine cabinets should have ample storage space, and if space allows, should include a linen closet in close proximity to the bathroom.

Other bathroom renovations that make a huge impact include changing smaller shower and floor tiles out for larger, more modern tiles. Porcelain tiles are more durable and can be made to mimic the look of hardwood, stone, and even marble.

Storage Space

While it may be a challenge to fit more storage space throughout your rental property, property owners in Grand Rapids have found that tenants would rather give up some space for furniture in exchange for storage space. It may also benefit you to provide some sort of shelving system that makes the closets feel more organized.

Though some of these renovations may seem basic, The Real Property Management Investment Solutions team has found that rental properties that feature one or more of these items are more appealing to tenants, and help them take pride in their living spaces. For more information, contact us online or call us directly at 616-419-8880.